
Showing posts from October, 2012

You matter. To me.

Hello everyone! :) We’re in a new month! The month of October.. just really hope it’ll be better than September and   the months before that. Can you believe it's only two more months til 2013? PMR scary :s So yeah hmm nothing much happened. Actually a lot happened, but let’s just keep that off my blog, shall we? Well, recently, yesterday actually, I posted a status on facebook. About suicide. Yeah well those statuses going like “wanna kill yourself? Imagine this, you go home blah blah blah it affects everybody, repost if you care,” were annoying me, and I really felt as though I needed to say my piece. Here’s what I posted: “Wanna kill yourself? Imagine this, everyone thinks that by reposting that "imagine this, you kill yourself, bro finds you blah blah blah." they will be helping to prevent suicide. YOU feel irritated, YOU keep thinking, "they dont know how it feels. They act as if they do, but they don’t," which is partially tr