
Showing posts from December, 2013

Before you existed

Hello! Ah, it's already December. 2013 went by so fast. Since it's December, it's time i reflect on what happened this year and set a whole new list of my New Year's Resolution for 2014! Earlier today i found my old list of new year's resolutions that I'd fixed for this year. Crossed out the ones that I'd already done and I only didnt' manage to finish 5 of them, which i think is pretty much impossible to complete within the span of 3 weeks, before 2014 starts. Except for the watching the sunrise part. I could do that. But i don't want to do it alone haha. I pictured myself watching it with someone i really really care about. But meh, whatever. You live alone and you die alone anyway. Might as well i watch the sun rise by myself. And now...presentingggggg.....NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS FOR THE YEAR 2014!!!!!! Yes, yes, i know. I bet you're all "what the heck?? is she trying to reach for the stars??? does she really th