
Showing posts from May, 2014

Self esteem

--- When i was 12, i was really, really confident. So confident that many say that i was on the verge of being a bitch, but to me, to that 12 year old version of myself, i was good enough. I believed that i was smart enough, that i was talented, and beauty, or the way i looked, never really bothered me much. I was content. Even my bushy hair was something i was proud of back then. I believed that i was worth something. And then i turned 13, and suddenly i was thrown into this huge school of gorgeous, smart girls who were pretty much perfect in every aspect. I didn't realize it back then, but it took a toll on my self confidence. Especially when I started going downhill, academically. But i just took it in stride, I brushed it off and continued bouncing around and being myself as my confidence level decreased as the year went by. Form 1 was good, but it was the start to my fall. Form 2, I was 14. stuff happened. and woosh, before I knew it, i lost all sense of any sort of self