
Showing posts from September, 2014

I know what they think.

I know what they think. I know they look at me and think I am this happy go lucky girl who never gets sad, who cheers everyone up by cracking a stupid joke or two. I know that they think, I have a perfect life. Perfect little family, perfect boyfriend (this is the only part i agree with) and the perfect friends. "She can never be sad," they think, "because she has so many friends and so many people who love her and are there for her. If I had her life and 'personality', i would be so happy." I know that they think, "What's the big deal? She just has to stop over thinking and start thinking positive instead! One positive thought goes a long way!! It's simple enough!!!" It's just all wrong. Maybe not to you, and I appreciate you thinking of me as that sort of girl, but to myself, I am everything but that. I'm a fake. I fake being happy. I fake the laughter. I fake the smiles. You can look at my smile and think that i'm happy