
Showing posts from December, 2018


It feels like every step forward that I take, some unseen force comes out of nowhere and pushes me 5 steps backwards, even further back from where I started, knocking the wind out of my lungs in the process and leaving me battered and bruised on the ground.  It's nearing the end of 2018,  and as per the past few years, I always do a recap of my year in the form of a blog post. Honestly, I don't know why I keep doing this but its sort of been a tradition for me. Plus, it's a good way to look back on the year and point out what I learnt, and what I can take out from all the mistakes and good things that have happened this year. 2018. I don't know how to feel about this year. I feel like a lot of stuff have happened this year but somehow, here I am, roughly a year later from my last recap on this blog, and I feel like I haven't moved a single inch from where I was then. I really put in a lot of effort into doing things that would help me grow as a person, this ye