
Showing posts from January, 2013

Self reflection period.

Hello :) so...........i just wanna express a few things that has been on my mind lately. First of all... It's really hard not to submit to the pressure of society. I think i've finally got to that stage of my life where what society thinks of me actually affects me. The hardest part of being a teenager, or in fact, the hardest part of anybody's life. I look around at all my friends and compare every single one of them with myself. All of them are pretty, and some of them have boyfriends, I have or am neither. Most of them are smarter than me, when I myself am struggling everyday to absorb all the information being thrown at me all at once. It's sort of like dodgeball: Everyone throws balls at you at a high speed, and they keep throwing it at you repeatedly. No matter how good you are at dodging to evade the ball, eventually, one ball will catch you off guard and hit you right smack in the face. That ball, is the sudden realization that wakes you up and, ma...

"Life is not the amount of breaths you take. It's the moments that take your breath away."

hullo! :) hi guys!!! i apologize for the startlingly depressing post before this, haha was just one of my emotional moments. anyway, hi. Have you realized that it has only been 13 days since 2012? wow, how slow. to me, anyway. I just really wanna get this year over and done with. So the past week of school has been predictably boring and tiring. But we did sign up for the koko stuff. I joined Orchestra, gonna audition for flute next thursday :) wish me luck hehe. And i joined idea why. and taekwondo! again, no idea why ahahha maybe because it's the only unit uniform that doesn't require me to attend camps. i absolutely loathe camps. i just hate forests......don't judge lol. ooooh and i'm supposed to perform at Empire Shopping Gallery somewhere in February. For Chinese New Year, if i'm not mistaken ahha. so screwed. lol nah i mean the part i have to play is quite simple, so ya (bean) not that worried. But the girl i'm supposed to perform wit...

welcome to hell.

hey y'all. I am typing this out after a tiring day at school. It was the first day, FIRST DAY and it was alrady so hectic! So stressed up...really don't know how i'm going to manage to finish my homework AND find the time to study for PMR.  gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. so scared! anyway...this year i'm in 3 Jati. I dropped one class, what a surprise ey. ((not)) The class is really cool, i guess. I mean, not anybody i particularly hate, so it's all good. The class is full of generally nice people. but's only the first day. who knows how the class is really like if they show their true colours. I don't know, but lately i feel so awkward around people. Not sure why. Maybe because i was separated from them for two months, but still, last year wasn't this...awkward. on the other hand, you know they actually gave us homework. HOMEWORK. on the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. crazy!! i mean, you know, take a chill pill yo! but well, the homework isn't...