welcome to hell.

hey y'all.

I am typing this out after a tiring day at school. It was the first day, FIRST DAY and it was alrady so hectic! So stressed up...really don't know how i'm going to manage to finish my homework AND find the time to study for PMR. 

gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. so scared!

anyway...this year i'm in 3 Jati. I dropped one class, what a surprise ey. ((not)) The class is really cool, i guess. I mean, not anybody i particularly hate, so it's all good. The class is full of generally nice people. but hey...it's only the first day. who knows how the class is really like if they show their true colours.

I don't know, but lately i feel so awkward around people. Not sure why. Maybe because i was separated from them for two months, but still, last year wasn't this...awkward.

on the other hand, you know they actually gave us homework. HOMEWORK. on the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. crazy!! i mean, you know, take a chill pill yo! but well, the homework isn't really a lot.....

but. We'd be so tired after coming back from school. From now on, every Wednesday, we go back at 5 pm instead of the usual 2 o'clock. It's like jail, yo. they lock us up and torture our brain with education. okay, maybe that isn't torture. but, it is to me!!!

ok, calm down, *yoga breaths* I'm just unnecessarily stressing out because oh ykw only 278 days til PMR. i watch the days slowly decrease and i get more frightened each time. i just want to get PMR over and done with, i'll do my best, i'll try, i really want those 8 A's. So bad. I'm just worried i won't know the right way to study. my mum says do a lot of questions but..i don't like studying that way. But I know I have Allah with me, and hopefully He'll guide me through it all ♡ 

Oh right...


2013, ey? well i hope it'll be a good year, but judging by the events of today, i somehow highly doubt so. 

Hmm, but this year is gonna be so busy. I've decided to take Orchestra (again) for clubs, Bola Baling for Sports and Taekwondo for Unit Uniform!!! hahahahah ME IN TAEKWONDO HAHAH but hey give it a try you know plus all the other unit uniforms are so official and...campy. ya, i hate camps. never been to one, and i dont plan on going to one anytime soon. 

Not quite sure what to say now. Btw, i'm posting this because i just refuse to sleep right now and i really felt the need to blog, so here i am! Might be the last post... i know that's what i said in the post before but hey I'm not Raven i can't tell the future yo. I'm deactivating twitter on the 6th of January so i can focus on studies.... :-( idk how i'm gonna survive i barely made it when i was devoid of twitter for a few days. 

but all for the sake of 8A's

no pain no gain!

ya i should go now....

why am i even blogging syah you should be studying

alright then

adios :) have a pleasant 2013 ahead of you and live like it's your last year of life!

bye then...................



  1. don't stress urself out too much dude! PMR is a super duper easy! as long as you do ur past year q's, u'll be fine. and plus, you've got to trick your mind into thinking that it is easy for it to come out easy (but you have to study though). good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor!


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