Sweet, sweet memories.

Hello! Long time no update! Well, it's been reeeaaaalllly busy for me lately. I recently joined the Choral Speaking team, and just earlier today, we had a district level competition against allllll the other schools in the district. But, those two weeks of practice was tiring, stressful, at times frustrating.....but in the end, worth it!

yes, Sri Aman's Choral Speaking Team of 2013, managed to win first place (and our conductor won best conductor) In district level!

It's still so surreal to me! Did we really win? ARe we really going forward to compete in STATE level?

Wow, the feeling of making your school proud, is just, amazing, really.

The girls.

Ain and I.

So, basically, overall,  it was an AMAZING day and i had loads of fun and experience and ya :) hehe. i LIVE for memories like these!


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