Not A Goodbye

Well, that was it. The last of my schooling days at SMK (P) Sri Aman.

I'm not sure what I'm feeling. Oh wait, actually, I feel like screaming and breaking things and not leaving the school, but if i acknowledge the fact that I feel that way, I will only make myself sadder than I already am.

I haven't cried at all yet today, but I have a feeling that my tears will start flowing once I'm done with this post.

Not a lot of good things have happened in my life. But I can proudly and positively say that going to and being in Sri Aman was one of the very best things that could ever happen to me. Sri Aman was where I could feel at home at a place that wasn't my house or anything. At Sri Aman, i felt like for once in my life, i belonged.

I have made so many great friends, and so many great memories. and met some great teachers who have parted so much knowledge to me, and i can't express just how much i appreciate every single one of the teachers who have taught me through out the years. Of course, i had my share of bad memories and bad events, but i think both of the good and bad combined would make a really swell, bittersweet collection of memories that have changed me in some way. I'm not sure if it's for the better or for the worse, but one thing that i know for sure is that my three years in sri aman have made me happier than I've ever been in anywhere else. I'm so glad that I was a part of such a great school where there were so many great people.

I'm even more grateful for the people I've met. I made so many great, great friends that i will cherish and love forever. Shaza, Amelynn, Devina, Joann, Mathu, my rehat and camak cello gang, the choral speaking team. they all mean so much to me and I'm just so thankful that i met  them and that I have all of them to call my friends. And all my classmates throughout the years, thank you for making each class I've been in a great one.

I'm so, so grateful for each and every one of you, who love and care for me. I'm sorry if I've never shown it, but i really appreciate you, the one who cares for me. For a long time i have been lost and felt as though no one loved me, but today i am going to get rid of that feeling because i know for sure that the friends i have made in Sri Aman all care for me, and i know i won't be lonely because i have all of you to rely on. Thank you, thank you thank you thank you. I love all of you.

Goodbyes have never been my forte, and I've never particularly been a big fan of them myself. But i know this isn't goodbye. This is just a see you later kind of thing. I also would like to thank God for the existence of technology because twitter and viber and whatsapp and facebook make it so much easier for me to contact my friends, bless all you creators of social networks.

Personally, i just think today went by too fast. I wish i could've slowed it down so i could've said proper goodbyes and given proper hugs to more people. I just wish it didn't end. I never wanted to say goodbye. But all good things come to an end, and also, like I said before, it isn't exactly the end because I will visit and come for all the events and still go out with all of my friends. I'll never forget any of you.

Also, To all the people in sri aman, i apologise for every wrong doing I've made, every time I've unintentionally annoyed you with my sudden randomness at sometimes untimely moments, I'm sorry if I've ever been a nuisance, I'm sorry if I've ever accidentally offended you with insensible words that might've slipped out of my mouth. I swear, the last thing i would ever want to do is hurt anybody. but sometimes i do just that. So please, accept my apology (and if i am indebted to you in some way, please halalkan that hutang lol) and pray the best for me at my new school.

oh, whaddaya know, i've started crying :) Wayyyy too many emotions in a day haha.

Thank you for everything, friends, teachers and Sri Aman.

til next time :)



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