Dear me.

Dear me,

Hi. How are you? I hope its not one of those days where you're feeling so down and alone. I hope you're feeling happy. Because God, do you deserve that. I know that things are rough and you probably feel like you'll never be enough. But trust me. You are more than enough. Dont put yourself down because of every little thing. And especially dont put yourself down over things that arent in your control. You need to see how life is incredibly unfair, and it will throw things at you that you never see coming. But at the same time you need to see how good things are. The little things that surround you. Those are important. The thing is, we always seem to be waiting and waiting for that one big moment, that one big thing that will change everything. You think that, that will make your sadness go away, that will fill you up with so much happiness you forget why you were ever sad. But let me tell you a secret; it's not going to happen. At least, not that one big thing. No, because the truth is life just doesnt work that way. Instead, it's a bunch of small, little things that will change you. It's the appreciation of the things you so often overlook that will make you happy in the long run. If you keep waiting for the big thing to happen you will miss out on what's going on around you. And what's going on around you is pretty cool, pretty sad, it can be heartbreaking yet so mesmerizing, but they're all what make life worthwhile. I need you to stop waiting. I need you to stop thinking so much about the future and the past that you forget to live in the moment. Enjoy where you are. Follow wherever life takes you because the truth is you have no control over life. It just happens and unfolds just as it should. Let go of the people who have left. Let go of the ones who make you feel like you arent enough. You dont need them. You already have so many people who love you, who care for you, who think you're more than enough. Stick with them, surround yourself with them. Because you suck at reminding yourself that you are enough, and keeping the right company around you will be more than enough to keep you going. You're strong, and special, and important. Dont doubt that. I know you probably will but just try to remind yourself of that. Take care. You'll be okay. 



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