A bringer of bad luck.


Just a rant today, no stories. 

Really, though, I wonder if God decided i was "special" and put some sort of charm to me that makes everyone i touch (figuratively) get bad luck. 

I'm not just saying it because of something that happened once, I've actually done research. 

For example: Before my parents got me, they were pretty happy and living an affordable life with my brother, who was still a child back then. And then, as soon as my mum got pregnant of me, everything goes downhill. I won't tell you what, exactly, but it was most definitely the hardest time of their life when I was in my mother's belly. And after I came out... well things were and are still bad. 

And then...all my best friends....every single one of them had a happy life, minor problems of course, but as soon as they became close to me...they faced so many major, MAJOR problems. Of course i wont tell what kind of problems, that's pretty private. But their problems were so bad and they came to me for help and i'd help and then i leave (change school) and suddenly their life is happy again. 

I swear I'm not being paranoid, or maybe I am. But there's so much proof that leads to the inevitable: I bring bad luck to everyone i love. 

But the thing is, I hate being alone. I have to be constantly surrounded by friends to feel safe, because when I'm alone I overthink and that makes me feel like shit. When I'm alone I ponder all the negative stuff and of course, that will have a negative effect on me. 

So, I don't want anyone of my friends or my family to get this bad luck i'm carrying around. but how do i protect them when i obviously cant leave my family, and the friends I have are too precious for me to lose? 

I just want them to be safe from everything. Please, Ya Allah, protect my family and friends. Please.


  1. you're definitely not bad luck.i think you're not anyway. it might be coincidental. and people might not tell you the negative stuff when you ask about it. so try not to worry too much about it. nobody is bad luck.


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