Gloomy skies, grey clouds.

Hi everyone :)

First of all, have you heard about what happened at Gaza? Absolutely horrible. Those stupid, stupid, brainless Israelis have attacked and invaded Gaza, rockets and all. It was absolutely horrible, especially since the day they attacked them was the day of new year, according to the Islamic calender. Everyone was talking about it, and it got an international reaction. Seriously though, I don't, and never will, understand the purpose of war. So i was googling about it and this came up..

"What is the purpose of war? Why do humans have to kill each other?

No purpose. War is against human nature. They never flare up spontaneously but are started deliberately by governments through propaganda and brainwashing. Which says more about governments than genuine human nature.

In fact, most soldiers in wars never kill other people because its against their nature. The killing is performed by crazed individuals or by artillery fire (because artillery soldiers never see their victims).

Of course you have to fight back if someone attacks you but thats not the point. No one wants to attack anybody, its governments attacking other governments and using people. Take the "classic" example of nazi germany, it took a decade of brainwashing by the nazi party to launch the country into WW3, forcing the rest of the world to join the war. Without nazi propaganda it would have never happened."

Is that true? I think it is, to me, anyway. It makes sense. What I don't get is why the governments have to do such things. Don't they ever think about the lives they will be risking? The wives and kids they're gonna leave fatherless and husbandless? 


On the other hand , in my life, so much happened in the period of only a few days. I Had to make a choice that was very painful, yet, i'm pretty sure what i did was for the best. At least, i hope so. It's really a frivolous matter, but it has such a big effect on me. The bittersweet memories, the happiness, the pain.... I'm not sure how long I can stand it. 

And then i discovered something else. I think, I've lost my best friend. The girl i had befriended last year, became best friends throughout the two years we've known each other, and slowly lost that magical connection we had during the last two weeks of school this year. I'm not sure how we lost it, or why. I just...we used to be close. But's just poof. Gone. Just because of something so trivial. How did I lose her? I was so adamant to be there for her always, and to be best friends with her no matter what. But now.... Did i lose her along with the girl i used to be last year? She always told me I'd changed, but i was never sure in what just makes me upset to know the fact that I'm such a worthless friend I'm actually capable of losing my own best friend. I'm just that horrible of a person. 


Moving on, today, was a relaxing day. Got to chill out with my cousins Rifah and Ramiza at Suria KLCC =)
we went to Petrosains, which was really cool and awesome, and we got to go to  Aquaria!!! I've been meaning to go there since a while now, and when we finally got to go I was so excited! Got to see so many fishes and insects and snakes and otters and sharks ahhh it was heaven! for me, anyway. I don't really know why, but I really enjoy anything that has to do with marine life. Perhaps it's because I like swimming and being in water. Anyway, after that, we went to Rock Corner and i saw One Direction's Take Me Home Album- Yearbook Edition and my heart broke because I knew I wouldn't be able to buy it =( and then wa hey! MY COUSINS BOUGHT IT FOR ME!!!! THEY'RE THE BEST COUSINS SERIOUSLY LIKE EVER I DIDNT EVEN SAY ANYTHING THEY JUST BOUGHT IT FOR ME OH LORD BLESS THEIR SOULS. Currently listening to it as I type this out =) Honestly, I think the boys (Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn, Harry) are seriously the people who can make me happy in an instant. The mention of them makes me go all woozy and swoon haha.

well....that's all for now I guess. Next week is gonna be a pretty packed week. So, hopefully I can get through it without breaking down or something pathetic =) Might upload part 2 of blink, feeling pretty inspired tonight. Goodnight and Godspeed =)


P.S: I have some pictures!!! sorry if they're unclear, I took em with an ipod camera so...... =)

My cousins

Some scary looking scorpion in Aquaria

My copy of TMH <3 

and that is me and Whitney, the stuffed otter i bought from Aquaria's gift shop.


  1. war is definitely a messy (and also DISGUSTING) business. but no matter, Gaza will be free in the end. which is why we should always pray for them and help them no matter what. evil can't win forever. and your friend, if she really is true, then she would come back to you over time. absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? and if she doesn't, then she's not really a good friend.

    1. True to both of your statements...thank you Miza :) for everything :D


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