
Hello :)

It's been a tough past few days for but i'm still alive, so, i guess I'm alright. Well, I've been meaning to update these past few days but...slow internet :(

First of all, i just wanna say something, not to everybody in general, just you. yeah, you. you know who you are. Hi.

*If you know you're not the you i'm talking bout then skip to below, after the second star.*

 I know you're reading this. or maybe not. Or you probably are. I'm not sure, but there's a 97% probability that you are, in fact, reading the words i have typed out to this blog.

Gosh, i sound so formal. Sorry for that.

um anyway, well. i haven't talked to you for the past week and that's all my fault. Sorry for blocking you...that was really mean of me. But i hope you understand, i just really want to move on and it hurt me over and over seeing you on my timeline or news feed or anywhere. So that's why i blocked you..and maybe yeah, something else. you know what it not gonna mention it here. So, um, someone explained to me about your thoughts on this whole situation, and i agree, whole heartedly. You're right, i need to move on. That's life. but, i don't know...i've tried moving on for so long and it never seems to work. This time i'm gonna really try, and maybe it'll work. Um, i know it's easy for you to move on and all..uh no comment.

oh you know what, screw this. Thank you for the memories, and all that. Im never gonna ever be able to look at you in the same way, and that just sucks because i miss when we were crazy and Im sorry i ruined everything. im sorry for even trying. i never should've even like done anything in the first place. You're right, it's my fault. i never hated you, though. That's impossible. I freaking liked you a lot and that just freaking sucks.

I'm sorry i cant say this to you face to face, or through text, or unblock you and all but i just can't. Sorry. Yeah i know i'm being dramatic or whatever or yeah you hate me and all but i can't do anything much other than say sorry. Hope you have a good life ahead of you and i hope everything falls into place for you. Bye.

*this is the second star, you may read from below this sentence*

Well, life is weird. Everybody leaves and no one stays. Promises are made, but no one realizes that promises are just lies that they've said. I'm so frustrated with the world. and people. People confuse me alot.

We live in a generation full of...attention seekers and liars and rapists and manipulative people. What did we turn into? This generation are the fathers and mothers of the next generation, and you think we'll set good examples for these children? I somehow don't think so. People just keep getting worse, not better. Humans are progressing in prospects like science and engineering and astronomy but not in the sense of improving our characteristics. In a way, i guess humans are progressing but at the same time slowly deteriorating and they don't even know it.

Idk, i just feel like i've lost all hope in humanity.

It's so hard to find decent people nowadays. . Yeah, maybe i'm not the nicest person alive, but i certainly don't go around bashing everyone i think is at fault and manipulating my friends.So i did it once, i don't do it anymore. i think. maybe. idek just read on will yah. I like to think that I'm an average person. Nice, but not exactly a saint either.

Sometimes society sickens me. Especially, (sorry to say) Malaysians.

Ah, Malaysia. Home of the loud, noisy, but united Malaysians...that's what you think. We are really loud, we are noisy....united? Im not sure. Maybe united in the sense that we accept everyone's different races and religion. But united as a nation? No. I doubt that. We're too simple minded to be united. We're selfish. We only think about ourselves. Deny all you want, but this is my perspective on things. Nobody said you have to agree with me.

You should see the things on twitter, man. Everyday, malaysians will find someone new to bash. True enough, the person they're bashing is at fault, but first of all, how DID you find that person in the first place? and WHY did you have to tell the whole world about it? As you know, news spreads like a wildfire here, and before you know it, all the Malaysians on twitter are bashing that girl/boy. I'm not trying to back up the person they're bashing though. What they did or say is pretty much disgusting and rude. But hey, imagine this, EVERYONE i mean EVERYONE including your friends, are against you. They take to twitter and suddenly you find hundreds of angry Malaysians bashing you and telling you to die.

Would you like that? no, of course you wouldn't.

Are you God? to tell people to die? Are you so sure that you're so pure, that you tell people that they're a bitch and deserve to rot in hell?

Just reflect on yourself, people. Look in the mirror.

Nobody has the right to tell anyone to die. Even the Israelis? No matter how cruel they are, we can't tell them to die. Why? because death is in the hands of Allah. Only He can determine who dies and when someone dies.

I'm not sure why i suddenly came to this topic, i really wasn't intending to write about all this.....Must have been lingering in my mind for a while now. At least i've written it out. I feel loads better :)

I'll leave now....i have to wake up early tomorrow. and if the world doesn't end in December, then that means i have approximately 34 more days of holidays. boohoo. :(

I'll part with a question......What's the point of loving when no one loves you back?

bye, loves and kisses, xx.


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