Tonight, We Are Young.


Aren't I awesome? :D posting a post just the next day ~


So, today was pretty fun. The competition for the Sivik Sajak thingy was held, and my class got second! :D Totally unexpected, but it was a nice surprise ^^ I got to be a man for the day haha I wore a songkok and tucked in my hair and i looked like a dude. Lol. ALLLLL the other classes were extremely good too, so creative! I personally loved 2 Meranti's one (Hidayati was in it heehee) but they got third and 2 Nyatuh won.

Yeah, basically nothing much happened today. I had fun with my friends, so nothing much to blog about :p I got my bubble tea!!! I think i like school's bubble tea better than Chatime ._. I am pretty worried bout a few things, you know that nagging feeling you have when you're constantly worried bout something? Yeah, it's happening to me.

I'd post some pictures, but it's night anyway, and i'm scared to use too much of my mum's laptop's battery so yeah~

bye, love ya, see ya,


P.S: Can't wait for Naydeerah to edit my blog!! :D


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