
Showing posts from 2012

hello world, forgive me if I'm young.

Hey y'all! I'm aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive! I survived the apocalypse, hoyeah, feels good. :3 I feel very blessed. God has given us a chance to live and repent and do His will, so yeah, very thankful for that :}  How are y'all? ok? well, i've been fine. actually no, lol, but basically fine. Next week is the last week of school holidays....eep. having mixed emotions about it. so..2012. in the blink of an eye, 2012 is now coming to an end. It's actually scary how fast time seemed to pass this year. Say hello to the repetitive routine of waking up early and going to school and yada yada yada. Teachers. Homework. Blegh. I guess i'm a tad bit excited to go back to school, i'm honestly looking forward to PMR year. it's gonna be one heck of a bumpy ride but i'm sure it's worth it :) And of course, i'm definitely excited to see my awesome bunch of friends again  ♥ 2012. what a year it was! Full of drama and heartbre

happy week

HI! I'm in quite a good mood. Though i'm not exactly sure why? This morning was horrible and this evening was horrible too. But now it's okay i guess. I'm a very sensitive person, aren't I?  Everything affects me so easily....hmm, need to work on that. So, anyway! Month of December, woohoo! :D Amelynn, Shaza and Zaharah are coming to sleepover this Thursday! So excited, eep! Back to the main point, which i have yet to state. As I was idea came to my head! I want to do this mini project called....the Happy Week! :3 It's not gonna cost anything, and it's simple! Let me explain a bit about it. THE HAPPY WEEK The happy week is where only happiness is allowed. Absolutely anyone is allowed to join! The rule of Happy Week is, you can't be UNhappy! it's not like you have to be smiling 24/7, and no, it's not even in real life! You're only required to be happy ONLINE!  Like, ok, so let's say you have twitter, a


Hello :) It's been a tough past few days for but i'm still alive, so, i guess I'm alright. Well, I've been meaning to update these past few days but...slow internet :( First of all, i just wanna say something, not to everybody in general, just you. yeah, you. you know who you are. Hi. *If you know you're not the you i'm talking bout then skip to below, after the second star.*  I know you're reading this. or maybe not. Or you probably are. I'm not sure, but there's a 97% probability that you are, in fact, reading the words i have typed out to this blog. Gosh, i sound so formal. Sorry for that. um anyway, well. i haven't talked to you for the past week and that's all my fault. Sorry for blocking you...that was really mean of me. But i hope you understand, i just really want to move on and it hurt me over and over seeing you on my timeline or news feed or anywhere. So that's why i blocked you..and maybe yeah, somethin

Gloomy skies, grey clouds.

Hi everyone :) First of all, have you heard about what happened at Gaza? Absolutely horrible. Those stupid, stupid, brainless Israelis have attacked and invaded Gaza, rockets and all. It was absolutely horrible, especially since the day they attacked them was the day of new year, according to the Islamic calender. Everyone was talking about it, and it got an international reaction. Seriously though, I don't, and never will, understand the purpose of war. So i was googling about it and this came up.. " What is the purpose of war? Why do humans have to kill each other? No purpose. War is against  human nature . They never flare up spontaneously but are started deliberately by  governments  through  propaganda  and brainwashing. Which says more about governments than genuine human nature. In fact, most soldiers in wars never kill other people because its against their nature. The killing is performed by crazed individuals or by artillery fire (because artillery soldiers

A bringer of bad luck.

Hello. Just a rant today, no stories.  Really, though, I wonder if God decided i was "special" and put some sort of charm to me that makes everyone i touch (figuratively) get bad luck.  I'm not just saying it because of something that happened once, I've actually done research.  For example: Before my parents got me, they were pretty happy and living an affordable life with my brother, who was still a child back then. And then, as soon as my mum got pregnant of me, everything goes downhill. I won't tell you what, exactly, but it was most definitely the hardest time of their life when I was in my mother's belly. And after I came out... well things were and are still bad.  And then...all my best friends....every single one of them had a happy life, minor problems of course, but as soon as they became close to me...they faced so many major, MAJOR problems. Of course i wont tell what kind of problems, that's pretty private. But their problem


i have never felt so alone in my entire life.


BLINK (Part i) Cold, the world felt so cold. Without him, life wasn't worth living. He was the fire in my life. The only one that kept me going. Now he's gone, the fire's out, and all of the warmth I had when he was still around was now gone along with him. I was cold. I remembered all those wonderful memories we had had together. We had known each other since we were in high school, Aaron and I. He was the quiet, social outcast. While I, on the other hand, was the popular, golden girl in school. A straight A student with the perfect figure and looks, all the guys were after me, and I basked in the attention they gave me. I loved being the queen of the school, and like any other typical teenage bimbo, I believed the "friends" I had gained would never leave my side. Oh, how naive of me.. Though I had my pick of the boys lining up for me, Aaron, that awkward, quiet dweeb, had caught my eye. I don't know what it was about him that had caught my eye,

You matter. To me.

Hello everyone! :) We’re in a new month! The month of October.. just really hope it’ll be better than September and   the months before that. Can you believe it's only two more months til 2013? PMR scary :s So yeah hmm nothing much happened. Actually a lot happened, but let’s just keep that off my blog, shall we? Well, recently, yesterday actually, I posted a status on facebook. About suicide. Yeah well those statuses going like “wanna kill yourself? Imagine this, you go home blah blah blah it affects everybody, repost if you care,” were annoying me, and I really felt as though I needed to say my piece. Here’s what I posted: “Wanna kill yourself? Imagine this, everyone thinks that by reposting that "imagine this, you kill yourself, bro finds you blah blah blah." they will be helping to prevent suicide. YOU feel irritated, YOU keep thinking, "they dont know how it feels. They act as if they do, but they don’t," which is partially tr

What's the use of playing, a game you're gonna lose?

Heeelllloooooo everyone! Sorry i haven't updated in so long, i've been horribly mobbed with school and stuff! Nothing much happened, though, within the time frame that I wasn't updating. I did, however, have the PRS Installation, where i was installed to be an official PRS :D I had to dance that day....and i was horrible.........................but i got my badge! :D im so happy and honoured to be  a PRS, and i really hope i can be a good one! and that day i went for ATP.............i just cant. even. ok. blekkkkkkkkkkkkk i dont feeel like saying anything else. so, goodbye for now! :)

“There is always inequity in life. Some men are killed in a war and some men are wounded, and some men never leave the country, and some men are stationed in the Antarctic and some are stationed in San Francisco. It’s very hard in military or in personal life to assure complete equality. Life is unfair.”

Hi there. The unfairness of life keeps me awake at night sometimes . I wonder why, the best people usually get the worst things, and the worst people get all the good things. Don't you realise it? I guess that's a stupid thing to wonder about, but really..when I think about it, that's exactly what happens. All the good people in my life, the truly good ones, the ones who deserve the best of everything, don't get what they want. But the people who aren't so nice...aren't so good...they get it all. You know what I'm trying to say? Sigh. Maybe not. And recently, somebody pointed out that i should chill and not tweet like how i tweet.. You know, because most of my tweets are basically just me expressing how i feel . (Which also means it contains a lot of hate lol) I know its not good to say bad things, on the internet or even in real life. But come on, how else am i going to let go? Before this, all i did was bottle up my resentfullness , my

Some Days, they taste like lemonade. Some Days, might feel like razor blades.

Hi there. Today was..a tiring day. In the morning i had flute and we did theory and as much as i love music, i really suck at theory. Then after that we went to the Ara house :( I miss that house so much ugh. Cleaned the house, moved soome stuff. Then went back to titiwangsa and i had to clean up my room. So i put on the radio and guess what's playing? ONE DIRECTION'S UP ALL NIGHT ALBUM!!! Yea that just lightened up my day! Hearing them sing automatically makes me feel better man. And'm on the laptop............and all of a sudden this nervous feeling settles in my stomach. I don't know, is it nerves? or am i scared?  don't know but it's really uncomfortable.... And then while scrolling down my Timeline on twitter..all of a sudden, i felt lonely. Because honestly, all someone needs is to talk to someone. Someone to tell everything to. And I can't talk to anybody without being judged by that person. It driv

Tonight, We Are Young.

Hello. Aren't I awesome? :D posting a post just the next day ~ Heehee. So, today was pretty fun. The competition for the Sivik Sajak thingy was held, and my class got second! :D Totally unexpected, but it was a nice surprise ^^ I got to be a man for the day haha I wore a songkok and tucked in my hair and i looked like a dude. Lol. ALLLLL the other classes were extremely good too, so creative! I personally loved 2 Meranti's one (Hidayati was in it heehee) but they got third and 2 Nyatuh won. Yeah, basically nothing much happened today. I had fun with my friends, so nothing much to blog about :p I got my bubble tea!!! I think i like school's bubble tea better than Chatime ._. I am pretty worried bout a few things, you know that nagging feeling you have when you're constantly worried bout something? Yeah, it's happening to me. I'd post some pictures, but it's night anyway, and i'm scared to use too much of my mum's laptop's battery so yea

R.I.P to the girl you used to see, her days are over.

Hello. I know i rarely blog, i've always wanted to, but i never have time, and its not exactly nice to type a one whole blog post with an ipod. I've decided that once i get my laptop (((Hopefully!!)) I will blog more often since there will be practically nothing to do when I move.. I've been feeling so messed up lately. My emotions are just so bipolar idk what to feel, why i feel that way. i'm trying to figure it out and i hope that typing it out will help me. First of all, i feel sad. Sad, because so many things are changing just way too fast. It's overwhelming and i feel like i can't keep up with the stream of modifications i have to do to my life right now. People are changing, places are changing....Too much change. And i've never really been a big fan of change anyway. I just want to close my eyes and just sleep, until everything passes. But, i know that avoiding a problem never helps and i'll only make everything worse. Second, i feel...